Sep 19, 2011

Country Living Fair 2011

I had such a great time at the CL Fair. If you have never been , you should try to plan a trip! There is still another one scheduled in Georgia and they are branching out. Next year you can catch Country Living in Texas.

Every year I'm more surprised at the amount of talent. 

This weekend supplied the best weather for Fall festivals. CL and the contributing vendors didn't "fall short" of delivering spectacular seasonal vignettes .

Will someone PLEASE buy me this zinc table? Where do these people find these things?!

If you follow me on Facebook you know I was searching for a sunburst. I didn't find one . But, one of these would have been a great starting point for one. Why didn't I buy one of these?!

This was one of my favorite booths: industrial , unique, and eclectic. Too bad I don't have a bigger wallet.



Boothomatic- where the "what did you buy" section of CL is born.

painted fabric. Great idea! Too cute design.

Here is where the fun begins. I spotted these uber-cute shoes! I NEED a pair. They didn't have my size, I walked up to the lady in the booth,asked for my size. No luck, however, she can order them. We chat a bit and she asks, " Do you watch out show?" I stand there thinking, " What is she talking about?" 
she says, " Cash&Cari" 

Of course I do!

It's their booth!

That's Cari herself, signing my T-shirt. 

Isn't she gorgeous ? She was really sweet too! Me on the other goof. I just stood there. Did I say, " I love your show!" How about "Hi! Nice to meet you!"  or possibly a " How did you become so successful ? Give me some pointers and advice." No. I just starred blankly and said thanks. 

Duh, star struck much? 


She'll be in Georgia. Be sure not to blow it like I did , if you run into her!

How is this for a cute idea? Book bindings. I was thinking this would look really great on a piece of furniture.

Happy Chair was my absolute favorite booth. Her chairs were A-maze-ING!
Soo comfy and cooshie.
Not to mention the fun color combos. 

Thank you CountryLiving for the great time!

My goal for the year? MommaHen's booth @ Country Living Fair. Can I make it?

I linked this post to these fun parties:


  1. Oh my gosh! Looking at those pics, it was like I was there all over again!

    I did the same thing with Cari! I was the first one in her booth on Friday morning and I started mumbling on about how I do estate sales just like she does! I think she thought I was a total dork. But I do set up estate sales with a company just like hers, it just sounded silly! Hahaha!

    Wasnt the STASH booth unreal?? I was totally in love.

    Oh, and I asked about that zinc table, it is an antique wood table that the booth owners Dad covered for her. Isn't that just awesome??

    Anyway, I could go on and on forever. Next time, we have to be sure to meet up! ;o)


  2. Thanks for sharing these photos. It's fun to see the show from a bloggers perspective. Maybe one day I will make it! It's sorta a dream of mine!

  3. Looks like so much fun! Loved your pics!

  4. Of COURSE you can make it!! No doubt!

    Looks Fabulous! I am going to the one in Atlanta next month and CANNOT wait!!! Thanks for the heads up on Cari! LOVE her show...series recording on the DVR! But....I would have frozen up too!! lol

    Glad you had fun!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. Hi:

    I made it for one day only, too bad we didn't connect, but love your pictures, I enjoyed the fair, I love your blog,


  6. I just found your blog and I'm not even sure how...but so glad I did. I loved reading this made both my husband and I smile! Loved seeing all the sites and loved the bit about Cari.. I'm going to follow your blog and will look forward to seeing what's next!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!