Sep 17, 2011

Making the best of an unfinished project for Fall

I found an amazing Queen Anne chair , at a yard sale. After ripping away the old tattered fabric, I started to quickly realize what I had gotten myself into. I continued to rip away everything that was un-usable leaving me with nothing but a wood frame. It wasn't long before I got overwhelmed and put the project on the back burner. Fast forward three years later, it's still sits: unfinished.

As you all know, I moved into a fixer-uper. To be quite honest, it's going to remain in this crazy, "in need of serious renovations" state. But, is that going to stop me from decorating from my absolute, all time favorite season? No! Me and the fam set out on a Fall harvest adventure yesterday and came home with all sorts of goodies.

pumpkins, gourdes, and mums are just fine and dandy on their own. But, I love to add other little unexpected items in the mix for a neat little Fall vignette .

Now back to the abandoned chair: How about this crazy combo of things to create a rustic  , Fall feeling? 

To crazy? 

I just love it! 

I don't , however, love my carpet covered porch . ....ick!

This porch will be removed next summer, so, I will just make the best of it for now.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Linked to these fun parties:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Boogieboard Cottage



Funky Junk Interiors



  1. Thanks for getting me in the mood for fall--love the pumpkins and mums. REeEEally love the chair and the way it is deconstructed with the bowl of pumpkins--way cute! If you have time I would love it if you would share this at my linky party still going on now!

  2. That's exactly what I need to do with my old chair frame. This is so perfect! I don't think you could've made it any more perfect. Love it. :)

  3. Oh my word. It's so beautiful. And so is your photography. Loveliness.

  4. Very pretty. Love all the pics. The chair is awesome! Happy Fall!

  5. I love that chair that would look so cute in my eating area of my kitchen , just thinking out loud LOL

  6. Oh I LOVE this! What a gorgeous vignette with the tattered but oh so beautiful chair and Fall's bounty in her lap!


    Lou Cinda

  7. What a beautiful photo, even WITH the green carpet!

  8. Honestly, I have not really been interested in decorating for fall until I spotted your deconstructed chair. I want THAT fall! Spectacular vignette!

    Shared on FJI Facebook for SNS 100.


  9. You definitely have the touch! Thank you for visiting my blog...know what you mean about feeling alone in the "Mobile Home" world. Can't wait to see what all you're doing to your home... I actually found your blog last week and enjoyed reading through it ... also enjoyed your Vlog! Great Idea!

  10. I love, love, love this! It's an awesome fall display piece ~

  11. LOVE IT! Now I know why that old enamel bowl called my name at a yard sale yesterday!

  12. I absolutely love this idea. It is totally refreshing to see something creatively done to a Queen Anne chair beyond just throwing fabric on it.

  13. What a great idea. The chair looks amazing with the fall decor. Love it!


  14. I LOVE what you did with that chair!! It's so great when and idea like that pops into your head.

  15. Thats gorgeous! Good thinkin' on using it in your fall decor. I love it!

  16. I love the deconstructed chair vignette, its gorgeous.


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!