Sep 20, 2011

Door makeover

My house has two entrances. The front door, then there is a side door just off the driveway . This is the door everyone uses, naturally. The porch leading to this door is unfinished and covered in green carpet. This was kind of a big thing for a certain age group. But, not for me! Winter quickly approaching, we don't really have the time nor do we have the funds to remove the porch and redo it. Plus, eventually I would like to only use the front door.
We decided next Spring we would start on this project. But, for now, it's a real eye sore. Make a temporary fix or leave it be?

I'm all for old screen doors. I love the sound of the spring stretching and then the following slam. But, this one isn't my choice of style . Not to mention the screen won't stay in the door. So, bye bye screen door. 

I then, want to paint the main door black. Couldn't find the black paint. How about a sunny , happy yellow?

Not loving the yellow/green combo. But , we'll just pretend the carpet isn't there. K?

It needed a little something extra.
My whole point is to add a warm welcome upon arriving to my house.
Lets be literal .

I found a pretty font , but, couldn't find paint. So, I snatched up a paint pen that my hubby had.

That didn't work. I give up, I'm going to paint my nails.

Hmmmm....I wonder......

It worked! I painted "Welcome" on my door using fingernail art polish. I know , sounds crazy. But the style of brush worked absolutely perfect.




Be sure to stop back by tomorrow (Wednesday) and link up your projects on my WhateverWednesday link party!

I linked this post to these fun parties:




  1. I love it. WOW what a transformation! You would have thought nail polish?

  2. Yes Ma'am! Much better, and i love the yellow choice!! xoxo, Amy

  3. Crack'n up that you thought to use nail polish! So resourceful! Looks good girl!

  4. LOVE this new color! It looks gorgeous!! And your fall decor? I can't get over it! I featured you today!!

  5. I love it! The yellow is SO fun. It doesn't look bad with the carpet! It makes it a little eclectic. I really like it. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think it looks fabulous! I would just add an entrance rug. I think something like the borders of your blog page would be perfect! U can buy a plane jute outdoor mat and stencil your own. If you want to just buy one West Elm has some great ones right now...Thanks for sharing!! Saw you at Southern Hospitality...

  7. You done a great job and I really like it. The level of care уοu impart on уοur home mау depend upon hοw much іѕ needed. It аlѕο mіght depend upon frοm whаt materials each item іѕ mаdе.

  8. Greetings. Love the door, the style and the yellow. But I also loved the BEFORE too! You know, if you kept that old screen door, you can bring it to a hardware store and they can re-screen it for you. It probably wouldn't be much at all. You can then paint it the same yellow color and put it back up. I think that screen door is charming!

  9. I love it and what a brilliant idea to use nail polish for the lettering! I am new to your blog and am now your newest follower. Stop by and visit me sometime when you have a chance.

    Susan and Bentley

  10. This is funny because my daughter/blog partner and I are taking a break right now after giving her old door a new life with paint. The nail polish idea was genius!

  11. You are SO clever and crafty! I love the door.

    Thank you so much for linking up!


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