Aug 10, 2011

{biting my nails} and WW link party


it's time.


The time to move!

loans approved, papers signed, details worked out. The last step was to sell our mobile home. A week later we had a buyer!

Call me crazy, but, I am just so sad to move. I'm having a really hard time letting go of our home. Am I alone? Have you guys ever been sad to leave a home?

I've been saving up for a camera to include you all in on the BIG process of renovating our newest home . I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will have one in a couple weeks . Wish me luck!
I can't wait to show you tons of "before" pictures. Until then, how about some inspiration pictures? I have been stalking Pinterest for a while and , not to brag, but I have a pretty sweet collection.

First, I need to tackle my entry way

After opening the door, you walk into a very long open space. I want to first cut that space in half and create a mudroom. But, I didn't want to shut this space off from the rest of the house . Creating a "knee wall" will achieve a cozier space and still seem open. Adding built in book shelves will add tons of much needed storage.

Thinking something like this built in on both side with an arch doorway would look fabulous and add some drama to the space.

I was really stumped with choosing a color pallet. The carpet in this space is a rust sort of orange color. Not my choice, but, it's brand new carpet and there is no sense buying new. So, I'll have to make it work.

The color of these lamp shades are almost identical to the color of our carpet. Orange will look perfect with some of the colors I already have!


With the addition of lots of white, aqua, dark wood tones, maybe a tiny splash of red I think this space will be a great starting point for the rest of my house. down. [insert endless number here] more to go. 
I hope you all stick with me through the journey. It should be fun! I probably wont be around much this week or next. We're going to start moving tomorrow, wish us luck! 

Until next time: enjoy linking up!
-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here NOTICE: This linky requires you to link back here before you can link up! Grab a button and place at the end of your post to be able to participate :) Thank you!

At this time, I don't have buttons. Please just mention this link party in or after your post : WhateverWednesday with MommaHen and be sure it has a link back here! Thank you!!

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!

Start linking up!

Linking up:



1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your's always so hard to leave a place you've put so much work into, isn't it?
    Come visit me if you have the time...I'm having a giveaway I think you could use!
    Tina : )


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!