Aug 3, 2011

WhateverWendesday link party #19 ( weekly !)

If you are a fan of MommaHen on Facebook, you already know I have a BIG special project up my sleeve ... I'm looking for YOUR input! Please, join me on FaceBook , give me your advice , submit your pictures, answer my questions. Who knows, maybe you will also be a part of my BIG special project!!

I visited all of your entries last week on WhateverWednesday and Yowzers! You people are genius !

Two Friends:: Two Cities

Two Friends::Two Cities

Boxers , Cleats, and Me

Thank you for the entries ladies! I have some serious talent linking up each week....What do you have?

-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here NOTICE: This linky requires you to link back here before you can link up! Grab a button and place at the end of your post to be able to participate :) Thank you!

At this time, I don't have buttons. Please just mention this link party in or after your post : WhateverWednesday with MommaHen and be sure it has a link back here! Thank you!!

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!

Start linking up!

Link party will run all week long 

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