Sep 6, 2011

a brand new chapter and a link party

I'm excited to announce we are moved in, boxes unpacked (well, mostly), settled in, and it's starting to feel like home.

I can't believe I've been away so long! Do you realize it's been nearly a month?!

Without any renovations or makeovers to show you , I want you to show me what you have.

Fall is my ab-sol-ute favorite time of year: crisp cool air, natural earth-tone colors, pumpkins, mums...

What's your favorite part of Fall? Share your decor here:

{{Feel free to use this button to link back here}}


  1. I agree. When the mums are in bloom it feels like fall to me.

  2. Love your blog! Can't wait to see some new stuff from you! Thanks for hosting!!! XOXO


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!