Sep 24, 2011

Crock-pot apple butter

Yesterday I shared, celebrating the first day of Fall, that I was making crock-pot apple butter. I found a really simple recipe at Oh My , Sugar High. She supplied lots of pictures and made it look super easy and it was! 

Using my handy dandy apple corer/ slicer , the job went really quick. 

I only had about half the apples the recipe called for.  So, I just divided the ingredients in half. When the recipe called for 2 Teaspoons of cinnamon. I only used one. 

toss all of the ingredients together, add it to the crock pot. The original recipe called for you to prechop all of the apples down to a small size. I'm lazy. I didn't do that. I just let the crock pot break them all down and it did  , perfectly. 

The original also calls for you to whisk and stir occassionally. Again, I just let it sit and cook: overnight. I woke up this morning to unveil a crock-pot full of the best apple butter I've ever had! 

Breakfast anyone?

yum yum  yum
Again, absolutely perfect for Fall. 

Time to eat!

Stop over to Oh My , Sugar High for tips on freezing and storing. She also gives you some pointers on which apples to use for the best apple butter.

Linked to these fab parties:

Boogieboard Cottage

Boogieboard Cottage

Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Oh yum! I'll be right over, in the morning! Looks delish and sounds really easy. May have to give it a whirl! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm doing this tonite! We love apple butter...especially our oldest son. Sunday morning is going to be sweet. ; )
    Thanks for the heads up on this...I'll head over asap!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to check this out! Looks good in the pictures! Happy Fall!

  4. Looks delicious!!

    My husband has been wnting me to make apple butter and we went to the orchard too! I am goign to try this recipie!!

  5. That looks so good and your photos are gorgeous! :)


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