Jun 21, 2011

WhateverWednesday Link party #15


Go over and enter in a chance to win in my giveaway!


Last night for dinner , for one of my side dishes I made roasted baby potatoes (purchased from a FL farmers market, while on my trip) with red onions and green bell peppers.  I wrapped up the left overs for today.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="403" caption="{click for source}"][/caption]

I just can't seem to let some food go to waste. I've mentioned only a million times how much I adore a good meal (....which is probably a good indication of why I'm on a diet)

While raiding the fridge for a good hearty lunch I remembered the potatoes. I reheated them in a skillet , ripped up some turkey lunch meat , added it to the mix, opened up a can of Ro-tel, added a good heaping tablespoon , and fried up an egg,over easy, along side .

While that was saute-ing up nicely I toasted a english muffin (with all it's yummy nook-n-crannies!) , rubbed with a clove of garlic after toasting . Garlic and eggs are probably one of my favorite combo's.

I topped off the garlic rubbed english muffin with the improvised potato mixture, placed the fried egg on top and sprinkled with freshly grated parmesan cheese...........mmmmm.....

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="{click for source}"][/caption]

The crunchy muffin, spici-ness of the rotel, browned sweetness of the green peppers and onions, the egg oozing with buttery good-ness , this meal hit each and every taste bud in all the right places!

What a quick and hearty meal for brunch . yum yum!

I bet you wish I had a camera to show you what it looked like, huh? Me too! (Dear Nikon or Canon , You want to send me a free camera in exchange for fabulous reviews and credit?? SIGN ME UP!)  You'll just have to trust me on how yummy it was and try it for yourself!


We were so lucky to have taken a vacation to the pristine Florida beaches. I'm really grateful, honest. However, I can't help but feel like I REALLY want to go back! I'm pretty sure we were meant to be "beach bums." Well, if I can't have the beach , I can at least soak up some of these beachy beauties shared last week on WhateverWednesday

Last week '20 Something' shared her beach experience and some totally relaxing photos

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="20 Something"][/caption]

and 'The Creviston Nest' shared her DIY star fish picture frame (super cute!)

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="The Creviston Nest"][/caption]

Thank you girls for making me feel at "home."

I know a lot of you have been experiencing some trouble linking up lately. I hope Linky Tools get all the kinks worked out soon! Just be sure to come back and keep trying to link with me!

Last week I had someone new link up: 'Tolen Family Fun!'

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Tolen Family Fun "][/caption]

She linked up the cutest little tote, I hope she does a tutorial !

What do you have?


-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!

Start linking up!


  1. Oh I love cooking with little potatoes! We chop ours up and bake homemade french fries! Delicious and healthy (kinda)! Thanks so much for hosting!!

  2. I have tried and tried to get your linky picture up on my blog post. It never works for me:( I did leave a link back to your page. and if you scroll waaaaay down on my page you will see I have you on my side bar...
    I guess my blonde hair is wreaking havoc with me :@

  3. If you are using a wordpress.com blog, it won't work with the html code. You can save the image, though, and insert into the post and manually add the link.

  4. Thanks for hosting! XOXO


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!