Jun 23, 2011

How about something a little different?

You guys usually come here for your refurbished furniture fix, recipes, to link up your "whatevers,"  and much more.

Every time I go shopping I , almost always, wonder ; " Am I using the right product?" or " I wonder  if this is better than that."

Each and every product says that it is the best for you. So, what are we supposed to do ?  That is one of the biggest reasons I love blogs. Product reviews!

I recently found a few things I'm really excited about. Aside from the design world, I've always been a beauty buff. When I was little I didn't strive to be "Martha Stewart." I wanted to be "Betsy Johnson"

I wanted to be a model, make-up artist, hair stylist, even an actress .

A funny story: I am a beauty school drop out. After realizing I had more fun with hair and make-up than I wanted it as a career, I dropped out.

Then the years passed, had kids, moved to an itty bitty town in the middle of no where then any and all chances of that happening.....ended.

But, that's okay! That's where my passion for HOME design kicked in!

I'm getting a little off track here. I guess what I'm wanting to say is: I want to share my favorite beauty products with you.

My skin is so difficult , to say the least. It's sensitive , dry, yet oily . Does that make sense? If I get a product too oily it makes my face super shiny and if I get something for oily skin it makes it feel like it's going to crack. I have a light complexion with a touch of pink and I'm "sun kissed" with freckles - That contrary to all those evil make-up counter ladies , I don't want to cover them up!

I recently , by chance, grabbed 'Organic wear'

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="220" caption="Organic Wear - Google"][/caption]

First of all, it goes on super easy. Then you are left with a natural  and smooth look with the perfect shade of color. An added bonus, it already has your SPF built right in. Because, lets face it, if it weren't built in: I wouldn't put it on (shame on me!)

Another great product , I was really if-y about . Is Mary Kay oil mattifier.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Mary Kay $15"][/caption]

When I'm out in the yard pulling weeds or playing at the playground with the kiddos my face gets oily and not so fresh looking. With this product , dab a little on the oily spots and it dissapears! Your left with a fresh face again! LOVE! It just so happens , one of my advertisers carries this product and with a $20 purchase you can get one product for FREE! (Just passing along an awesome deal!) A little goes a long way so don't let the $15 price tag scare you. I'm thinking this stuff will last for-ev-er.

As far as eyes, I love a drama. I love eye liner , big eye lashes , and a dramatic eye shadow. I do not, however, love looking like a teenager or a corner-street- ....uhm...well, you know.

So, I try to do drama without going over board.

Eye liner: Sephora eye shadow (in smokey black) applied with an eye liner brush by E.L.F

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="220" caption="E.L.F. $1"][/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="216" caption="Sephora"][/caption]

(E.L.F. products are always $1 - all of them! I highly recommend their make-up brushes . Which you should always use instead of the little thing-ma-bobber that comes with your eye shadows)

As far as a mascara- I really don't have a favorite. Brush style is more important. There is only one type of brush I will use for full dramatic eye lashes .

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="250" caption="big fat curved mascara brush"][/caption]

I'm not too picky about my eye shadow either. However I really like Merle Norman's collection. I think one good tip is too keep dark, colors, or real shimmery shadows close to the eye lash line and NEVER take them past the fold of the eyelid and you can almost never go wrong with this :

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="{click for source}"][/caption]

...and before you know it, you'll be the QUEEN of applying make-up....er- something like that.

:::By no means am I an expert at any of this. I'm just passing along my opinion and I am not compensated to refer any of these products to you . :::



  1. P.S. I LOVE Betsy Johnson's clothes!!!!!!! Uber cute retro look!!

  2. I have the same type skin! Oily-and-dry-drive-you-insane kinda skin? Yup I got it! Will have to try organis wear! Another good one I found was cover girl nature luxe... It's REALLY REALLY light too! I don't feel it like some other foundations!

  3. Your skin sounds just like mine...dry but blemish-prone is how I generally describe it. I'll have to try that foundation, because I'm running low on mine and don't like it enough to buy it again.


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!