Jun 2, 2011


So, I'm on a "healthy adventure." right? At many failed attempts in my life time. I'm actually on a pretty good groove this time!

I started out just saying I'm cutting out all "prepackaged," junk , and basically anything that is easy to grab.

I've found that it's hard to eat healthy. Do you agree?

Growing up , my mom was always on some sort of fad diet (sorry mom, but, it's true...)Let me add that she never needed a diet . She's always been perfect. I may be a little biased because we are built very much the same. haha. Anyway, back on topic. My mom always being on a diet resulted in me growing up with a plate full of healthy , yummy dinners. Naturally, resulting in a healthy adult with the skills to recreate a lot of the healthy meals. The years went by and I lost all of that somewhere along the way and started eating more fast , convenient meals. Can we say UNhealthy?

Now, that I am trying to get back to the healthy lifestyle, I'm finding that I don't know what to do. My meals come out tasteless and unappealing. help! Can you guys recommend some inspirational blogs? sites?

Aside from that , I've been munching on all sorts of fresh fruits, veggies ; adding lots of whole grains. Netflix has been great in supplying me with all sorts of workout videos. Guess who has lost TEN pounds as a result?!  Even better than losing 10 pounds: I find myself down in the floor playing with my kids . As apposed to watching them from the sofa.  I'm running along side them outside , playing basketball against them, skipping , hopping. ...... priceless.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress towards healthier living, Amy! Ten pounds is an accomplishment to be proud of! You're definitely on the right track in getting rid of pre-packaged foods. I particularly avoid foods (as much as possible) that have high fructose corn syrup (don't believe the hype from those BS Sweet Surprise ads) and partially hydrogenated oils in them. I like to keep foods in the house that are as close to their natural state as possible. Now that it's hot as hades here, I'm relying on workout tapes to keep me moving since I'd probably die of heat stroke if I tried to exert myself outside. LOL And for weight management, I find that intuitive eating is the thing that works best for me. (i.e., eat what your body wants to eat when it's hungry; stop as soon as you're full.)


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