May 31, 2011

special edition WW12 ,giveaway, and curb appeal

As the initial excitement of moving fades; I quickly came to the realization that I , not only have to pack and move every single thing in my home, but, have to also stage my home, appealing to potential buyers.

What's the first thing buyer see? Curb appeal.

Watching HGTV my entire life I know all about staging a home for sale. I know that the most important thing is the first thing a buyer sees and the last thing. Well, one thing HGTV never covers is how to sell a mobile home. It's completely different from selling a house. In my case , when someone buys our home ; they will move it. So, I'm not wanting to put a bunch of money in landscaping when it will all be removed after the trailer is moved away.

I never let anything stop me from making it work! Here's my plan:

1-Add color!

Adding color with ,not only flowers, garden accessories will brighten the curb appeal making potential buyers smile !

2-potted flowers

I'm not going to waste flowers by planting them in the ground. By planting flowers, plants, and ground coverings,in flower pots; I will add texture, height, and creativity to my garden. The best part is: I can take it all with me when I move!

3- adding color to my Fall foliage.

I have lots of foliage that will not bloom until Fall. This way I can add some color with things other than flower: terracotta pots!


Flowers look great in just about anything-wheelbarrows, chairs, buckets,bird feeders, bottles, jars, the list goes on and on.  You all know how I LOVE to re-purpose junk!

clean, well kept outdoors means clean, well kept indoors. If the outside is unappealing , no one will want to go inside!

So, I'm hard at work this week trying to get everything in order. I never realized how much work needed to be done on my home. Kin of makes me wonder why I never did all this for myself, But, I'll do it for someone else?

Maybe we should all take this advice:Keep your home as if you were selling it! We would all live in such crisp, clean,perfect homes, no?


I wanted to say , I am so sorry for not hosting WhateverWednesday last week! I let it completely slip my mind.

For being such a slacker lately, Welcome to WHATEVERWEDNESDAY *Special Edition*

This Wednesday : My favorite WW entry will be the lucky winner of a special prize!!

All you have to do is link up "Whatever" and you are automatically entered into WW giveaway!!

The Rules:

-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here (I visit everyone who links up-please please don’t make me delete you just because you didn’t link back here!)

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!

Start linking up!



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Linked Here:
PhotobucketGood Life WednesdaysThe Lettered Cottage

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  1. What a good idea to use potted plants!! I never realized how expensive it is to keep landscaping nice until I moved into my first home! What a fun idea for a giveaway! Thanks for hosting each week! Good luck with the home! ;)

  2. Hi, thanks for coming by today! The strawberry pie is my sister's creation...I will try to get the recipe from her for you.

  3. I was wondering what happened to WW last week! :) Glad its back this week!

    Your touches outside are so pretty, Amy! My house doesn't have any landscaping yet, but I do have quite a few galvanized troughs that I think I might use to put flowers in and add some color to the foundation. Thanks for the idea!

    I was a real estate agent before staying at home and a lot of clients echoed your sentiments about getting their houses all spiffed up to sell. They wished they had done it sooner so they could have enjoyed it for themselves. Good luck in all your preparations--it's a lot of work but it's worth it in the end.

  4. Thanks for the great tips :) and also for stopping by Beach Cottage Good Life Wednesdays and adding your link.

  5. Always love coming by to peek around. Thanks for hosting. & thanks for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's!!! I am just in love with that gorgeous chair w/the birdie! oxxo, tracie


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!