May 8, 2011

Yum-Monday3 recipe link up party

Welcome back to Yum-Monday! Did anyone try the Kale chips?

Thank you for sharing your recipes last week. I hope to try Faded Country 's  bread recipe soon . It looks scrumptious !

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="560" caption="Faded Country"][/caption]

Do you have any recipes to share with me?

Link up!


<div align="center"><a href="" title="mommahen" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="mommahen" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. Kale chips are sooooooooo good. I've been making them for a couple of years now. Another great thing about kale is that if it does go a bit limp before you get a chance to use it, simply let it sit in cold water for about 10 min to pump it up..come out looking and tasting crisp and new again. It's so very good! YUM!

  2. I just saw Kale chips on TV the other day. I can't wait to try them!

  3. Just found your blog and love the idea of the Monday recipe link party. I look forward to linking up here :)


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!