Dec 6, 2010

Cheerios and pity

As I sweep together the fallen Cheerios, pink and blue bits of tissue paper from a failed pom-pom excursion, and who knows what tracked in on the bottom of Mr. hubs' shoes into a pile I think to myself, " This is the most creative looking thing I have made in a month."

I'm deflated.
{{ Well not literally. Otherwise these jeans would fit a WHOLE lot better!}}

 I'm pretty sure that is a sin in the blogging land; being uncreative. Am I right? All you bloggers out there always have the most creative posts and beautiful before and after and your themed "Makeover Monday," and  "Terrific Tuesday's."  

This last month, I have had nothing.
What happened?

Meanwhile, I am out there stalking all you amazing crafters and artists to hopefully get my mojo going again!

Please...I beg me something inspiring. Hopefully someone out there will help me get back into the groove of things.


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