Dec 7, 2010

Baby girl and a giveaway (not to be confused with giving away a baby girl)

Thank you for all the inspiration!I will get back to that later. But for now, I wanted to take a minute to tell you ....

GABRIELLA is on her way!! Remember These two beautiful people?

From HERE?
Their beautiful baby girl is on her way into the world right now!

I hope for nothing but the best for their brand new family,
they deserve it.
I'd love it if everyone kept them in your prayers. Even though I'm extremely excited, G-Bella is coming almost exactly one month early (sneaky lil' booger).
The doctor seems to be optimistic, so that is terrific!

 I think mommy and daddy are very nervous, being first time parents. I know they will do a wonderful job!

and on a completely different note : We're only FIVE followers away from my "100 follower GIVEAWAY."
I ,of course, started this giveaway when I was just a wee-lil' beginner at the whole blogging endeavor. I need to do a little editing on the whole giveaway. I'll be sure to let you know more about that too.

I have a lot to get done . I better quit my yappin' and get to it.

 UPDATE:{{{ Gabriella is here! 6 pnd 13oz 20 inches long. She is doing fabulous. The doctors and nurses are keeping a close eye on her where she was so early. But ,otherwise, seems to be in great condition. Mommy and daddy are doing great as well. }}}

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