Mar 29, 2012

baby steps and my attempt at "chalkboard" typography art

Since moving into our fixer-uper in October I feel like we are sitting still on our renovation journey. I've started many of projects , as you well know, and none of them are complete.

We'll get there one day, I hope.

Since Spring arrived most of you have been Spring Cleaning the inside of your homes. We , however, have been Spring cleaning the OUTSIDE of our house.

We broke down and BOUGHT a dump truck ( a really cool vintage one) to clean up our yard. It's a disaster.

Yesterday I started transplanting trees, flowers,and shrubs.

Do you know anything about roses? I transplanted a rose bush to a different part of my yard ; I hope it survives . Do you think I should do any special care to keep it going?

In doing this I ended up coming up with a cute little project that added some fresh , vibrant color to our yard.

Remember when I removed this old screen door during my door makeover?

before with screen door

after without the screen door
 I held onto the screen door because I knew I would reuse it somewhere. I finally got the chance. The roses used to be held up by a picket fence that we removed when we moved in. I needed something to hold the roses up after I transplanted them. The screen door was a perfect solution!

I gave it a quick coat of aqua (click here for exact color) backed the door with chicken wire , and tada! After the roses start blooming , put down some mulch, and add some other flowers to this spot it will really be a great feature to my front yard. I'm excited to finally see some colors.

As I was planting the roses I couldn't help but recite Shakespeare , " What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Seeing as how I was using this sign outdoors I chose to use a scrap piece of wood, do a real quick , rough coat of paint, and used a sharpie to draw the typography . Turns out, I love how it looks and am considering using it inside! 

who knew. 


1 comment:

  1. Love your door! Now the chicken wire screen door and the sign, well genius! Keep those creative vibes going.


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