Nov 2, 2011

Christmas DIY project

::link to WHATEVERWEDNESDAY is at the bottom of this post::

I received the greatest gift in the mail yesterday. Jenni from Vintage Umbrella sent me some uber cute mittens. Are they not sooo cute?

What a great way to bring some sunshine on a cold blustery day.

cards from Vintage Umbrella

Then , she didn't stop there. She even sent me some hand made vintage cards. I can't wait to send a card to someone! 

Are you ready for Christmas? 

It's going to be here before you know it! I'm , surprisingly , excited for Christmas this year. Aside from the shopping and spending money , of course. 

As long as we are prepared to tackle any of the upcoming stresses, I think we can make it through the Holidays with a smile . 

One of the small stresses is Holiday cards. They start pouring in around Thanksgiving, sweet gesture. But, what are you supposed to do with them? 

Do you remember this , from  my bathroom "before?"

BEFORE the makeover

{I'm sure you are wondering why I started talking about Christmas and now I'm talking about my bathroom...hang in there...I have a  point.}

Well , to fix the randomly placed medicine cabinet , I gave it purpose. First, removing the 90's country decor style face. 

click for entire bathroom makeover

trimmed it out in some neat , funky, vintage yard sticks

click for entire bathroom makeover
 and filled it with some use-full items for guests using this restroom.

click for entire bathroom makeover

I always try to re-purpose everything and not throw away something that still has life. 

Being uninspired , I set the door facing aside. 

{This is where Christmas comes back in.}
After thinking about all the in coming cards , that usually lay on my counter top or spend their days being held up by magnets on my refrigerator door. An idea popped in my head. 

 Starting with paint, naturally, distressing, personalizing , I flipped the door upside down and hung it on the wall in a Christmas Holiday vignette. Although it's super cute all by itself. When the cards start coming in , this will be a great way to display them. By sliding one side of the card down into the shutter , the front of the card will be displayed . 

I love the idea of using the Christmas cards as art !

How do you display your Christmas cards? Shutters would be a similar idea that would look great, as well! 


I started working on some clay tags for Christmas too. I'm just sitting around waiting for them to dry...

Be sure to come back and see how they turn out!

::WHATEVERWEDNESDAY link party click HERE:: 

I linked this post to these really great parties:

Domestically Speaking



Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Love seeing your creations Amy. Would you be interested in displaying and selling some of your treasures at the "Lewis County Artisans Showcase" on November 17 and every Thursday through December? We are promoting shopping local with our local artisans.

  2. The mittens are too cute and the cards are georgous!

  3. That is such a cute idea! Thank you so much for sharing your cleverness! I'm your newest follower. Hope you pop over to my blog for a visit.
    :) CAS

    Adorable mittens!

  4. Love it all!!! And the clay tags....what a really cool idea! I have my mind spinning on that one now! Thanks for the inspiration...once again! (wink)

  5. You are so incredibly creative!! I LOVE your blog!

  6. Oh Wow! This was a wonderful post! Loved seeing your creative spirit at work. Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us!

  7. Love it!!! The entire vignette is gorgeous!!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!