Oct 4, 2011

WhateverWednesday Link party

I started to write a big ol' post full of Halloween decorating ideas. As I was taking pictures of my outdoor decor.  I couldn't help notice the remaining stumps, limbs, and twigs out in my back yard, from clearing away overgrown trees.

I've been staring at the mess for weeks and I finally decided to solve the problem by building a fire pit and having a bonfire this evening. One thing led to another and I ended up setting up a designated fire pit spot , with a seating area, picnic table, and all sorts of other goodies.
Cook out by the fire tonight!

So, I'll have to  save all of the Halloween decor  for another day.
Until then....a little taste.

Show me what you have !

-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here NOTICE: This linky requires you to link back here before you can link up! Grab a button and place at the end of your post to be able to participate :) Thank you!

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!


I'll be sharing my favorites, from WhateverWednesday on Facebook !

Now I'm off to join the family in roasting weenies and marshmallows. Enjoy your evening !

Linked to these great parties:



  1. Roasted marshmallows? Oh I would love to do that too! Have a wonderful time!

    Thanks for having me and happy Wednesday!

    Best wishes,

  2. Sorry I posted twice and couldn't remove it. Also, I looked for your button and couldn't find it. Maybe I'm too tired right now!

  3. Thanks so much for hosting!!


  4. Oh I am SO envious of your sweet set up! It looks fantastic!

  5. I wish I could be there when you light that bonfire.

  6. I wish we had a firepit! Or at least the space for one!! :) Thanks for the invite to your party. I'm off to check out some inspiration!

  7. just found you through sugar and dots! love your blog and am excited to follow along :)


  8. Thanks for hosting! I just love all your decorations and fire pit. We have an annual campout on Halloween with a fire pit, roasting hotdogs and all that. You've just got me inspired to get my booty in gear! :)

  9. All linked up! Thank you for your invite and linking up to www.projectqueen.org. Love your decorations!

  10. Just found your blog through Decor to Adore Link Party. You have a great party going on here as well!! LOVE you fire pit area. I also love your picture of the pumpkins in the enamel bowl. I collect enamelware! I've pinned this for future inspiration!



I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!