Oct 17, 2011

...almost there and I want to ask you for a favor

I'm almost done with the bathroom. I hit a little "snag" today and wont be able to finish up until tomorrow. 
Reveal pictures will be here on the blog tomorrow ~ Make sure you come back!! 

My photo was selected, among others, to be Better Homes & Gardens "Favorite photo of the week." 
I hope you all go over and cast your vote and help my photo win!!

These were cupcakes I made for my sons class- read more HERE


  1. I voted! You were number 11 now! These are so cool! At my Grandlittles school you can't take in homemade treats anymore. Sad.

  2. I voted for you. Your cupcakes are adorable! I love that you used non traditional Halloween colors, very fun. Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm your newest follower.

  3. I voted for you!!!! Hope you win.


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!