Sep 14, 2011

creepy crawly cupcakes and WW link party

Using neon jel food coloring I spruced up your regular, expected , vanilla icing . 
The bright colors were a big hit with the kids and the spiders just topped off their excitement . 

Grab yourself a photo of a spider web or if you live in the country, walk out on your front porch and see what little critters were creating webs of their own, for reference. 
Hand draw out a web on top of icing with black glitter jel (found at Kroger.) Top off with plastic creepy crawlers (found at the Dollar tree.)

Now show me what you have:

-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here NOTICE: This linky requires you to link back here before you can link up! Grab a button and place at the end of your post to be able to participate :) Thank you!

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!


  1. Yummy! Those look good. Can't wait for more halloween stuff. :)

  2. These are so cute! I like the web on the stand, too.


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