Jul 9, 2011

Pizza. Healthy?






one HECK-UV-A healthy pizza ! I don't know about you, but, I.love.pizza. Since this whole "healthy life" adventure,  I have been dieing without eating pizza. To be quite honest, I'm really getting sick of salads . I NEEDED some pizza. So, I came up with a super healthy option. This is the first time trying Ezekiel tortillas (or anything made from Ezekiel for that matter) and I loved it! Have you gals ever tried any of these ingredients? How about a meatless pepperoni ? I was pleasantly surprised to find out that these tasted pretty good. It's no pepperoni. But, I approve.

1 comment:

  1. That does sound pretty good! And I SO know what you mean about the veggies thing. Sigh...



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