Jul 22, 2011

MommaHen's {{HOME TOUR}}


I'm feeling a little lonely without all of my bloggin' buddies to chat with. I know I haven't been posting much. I'm sorry. I'm hoping to have a brand new look, content and an all around  improved blog soon.

We are still waiting to move into our new house. Which has been a complete and total pain in the tush!
I am , quite possibly, the most impatient person. ever. I hate waiting.

I still don't have a camera.  Which equals : no awesome reveals. Anyone know where I can score a super cheap dSLR ? However, a really great friend of mine (Thank you Sarah!!) let me borrow her camera long enough to take some pictures of our home , to sell.Guess what the means?

Now, I shocked you all by letting your know that I didn't live in a big fancy house. But, instead, I live in a mobile home. It's not big. It's not fancy.But, it's our home.
After that post I was so shocked at all of the support , kind words of encouragement , and well wishes on moving into our first house! Thank you all so much.

All of the weeks waiting to move into our new house , I've had plenty of time to get this home ready to sell. I've cleaned, de-cluttered, unpersonalized, down-sized and now it's ready to sell. Which, makes me very very sad. Something I've wanted since I moved into this mobile home, to move into a house. It's here and , now, I'm double guessing my wants. I am really going to miss this place. It's not where you live that makes a home . It's who lives there with you. We have a lot of really special memories here. I will be so sad to leave.
But, luckily for you , I was able to get some pictures to remember it by.

Come along with me...

The welcome kitty. Actually, he's quite the opposite.

Aside from painting my cabinets black, I've never really shared my kitchen . When I first moved in , the walls were covered in burgundy fruit wallpaper and about 10 years worth of wallpaper styles applied underneath.

Instead of stripping it all off , I opted for bead board. I think you would surprised at how easily and cheap this look is to achieve.

Painted cabinets, farm house sink, new fixtures and hardware,custom shelving, and lots more paint turned a drab massively reproduced kitchen into a custom farm house space.

We installed laminate wood flooring through out the living room , kitchen, and hallway .

changed out all of the light fixtures. I realize, a couple of them are still "builders grade." But, they are better than what was here before (trust me.)

The wood at chair rail height was the first project me and my , now, husband did together. At this point, our projects together usually involve a lot some yelling, disagreements, and stress. But, you know how it is during the "love bird" stage.

This ladder/magazine rack, was originally the ladder to my sons swing set. Talk about re-purposing !


After removing just about all of my personal style from my home , for sell, this space is pretty boring to look at.

I'd love to choke have a little talk to the person that designed mobile homes. I mean , really, look how small this space is . Of course, I made the best of it. I installed these cabinets above . The one on the left hold all laundry related items. The one on the right serves as a "pantry" holding all of my canned food.

This is the master bedroom. Again, just about everything has been packed up and moved out.

This banner was the first we saw , after returning from our recent Florida vacation. Again, the greatest friend, Sarah made this and a big sign saying "Welcome Home!!" After a 19 hour drive (straight!) this made it all worth it and putt a huge smile on our faces! Plus, now I can use it as  decoration.

Before we decided to sell our home, the bathroom was very taste specific. It was painted  a pail aqua color , had lots of storage, and decoration. I completely cleared it out , painted a very neutral color, added lots of white, and very little extras. I wanted to achieve a very clean space. 

This bathroom is a little awkward. You walk in and you are immediately faced with a wall . Before the makeover , I had the wall cut in half with of those "L" shaped shower curtains. For potential buyers, a full wall has more clean lines and a less taste specific feel. Maybe a mirror, or some robe hooks (labeled his, hers, and theirs) would be super cute and fix this awkward wall.

a ladder with some towels filled a sharp corner for better feng shui
I read once "fill corners for a better flow of energy." I truly believe this ( Just look back through my photos....you rarely see an empty corner!)

The very last (but not least ) space in our home is my sons' room.

Although, this idea may not be for everyone, I ripped open the closet! With a closet door , any tiny bit of storage available in the closet was ,virtually, unusable. If anything was stored behind the door, it wasn't coming out and it usually was just a place for my son to hide his mess. So, I ripped out the door and surrounding wall. extended the paint scheme as if it were original to the space. I think the stripes give them impression that the room is slightly bigger than it is.

Would you believe I packed up and moved out 6 boxes of toys and clothes before I took this picture....
If you didn't think we really needed to move. I think this proves it! We are busting at the seams here!

...I'll still miss it .

I hope you enjoyed our home tour and maybe give everyone out there in your little apartment or mobile home a little hope that you, too, can live in a small space.


  1. OMG! You have done a fantastic job of making that box a cozy retreat!!!
    I love what you've done. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the great work. 8^)

  2. I think it is beautiful!! You have done a fantastic job! I love the cabinets painted black and the beadboard was a GREAT idea!

    Love it!

    Lou Cinda

  3. I love how you decorate! Excellent job!

  4. I love your place!

    Good luck on your new home (and moving!)

    I have found that after all our moves and "upgrading", no home was as sweet as the first one. And I never loved another the way I did my first. Somehow, I don't think that loving homes is like loving kids.

    Have a nice day!

  5. I am purely amazed at what you've done with a prefab home. Really! So creative and, before you "revealed" that you lived in a mobile home, I'd never have guessed. That's talent!!

  6. Fabulous job making this your home. I lived in a mobil home about a hundred years ago and no way did it look wonderful like yours does. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

  7. It looks great! I have an old mobile home that we are fixing to start working on. I bought it 3 years ago and havent done anything with it yet except store stuff in it. I had it moved next door to my little house. I have some big plans for it. Thanks for the inspiration. I really like your blog too. Gonna go back and look at your older posts. :)

  8. Girl - you have a super cute house and great taste. I absolutely love it!!! It's got this great, beachy vibe. Very well done. Visiting from Cottage and vine.

  9. I love your style, your home looks great. How did you make those wood shelves in the kitchen. Saw you over at Cottage & Vine.

  10. I had no idea mobile homes could be so charming! You have really brought out the best in your space.

    Thanks so much for joining the Room By Room party today!


  11. I think its past adorable and its exactly what I wanted to do or at the very least a very cheap home so that I wont have a note just taxes. Unfortunately my sweetie needs glam so ...Oh well. Thank you for the inspiration its beautiful!

  12. Hi! I just found you!:) I think your home is so lovely and organized! I just joined your blog and cant wait to get to know you better:) Deidre~ http://simplysimplisticated4.blogspot.com


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!