Jun 28, 2011

WhateverWednesday link party #16

...oh the wonders of paint...

Thank you for linking up this great transformation , DIY kinda girl !


-link up whatever you want

-use my BUTTON and link back here

-You must be a follower of MommaHen

-Please be nice and visit others. This is all about being inspired. Each week there are some amazing entries, you will love!

-Not a requirement :But, it sure would be nice-come back every week and link up something new and have fun!!

Start linking up!


  1. Thanks for the feature! I'm feelin' the love!

  2. Grrr.... Blogger won't let mepost comments on other blogs rigt now for some strange reason so I'll give a shout out to some of my fav's on here!

    Cinnamon Munch- SOUNDS SOOOO YUMMY! I'm STARVING now!!!
    Like A Virgin- I LOVE how you painted that piece white but left the top wood! Looks Amazing!

    As always... Momma Hen thanks for hosting an awesome party! I LOVE WW!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!