May 23, 2011

A very special post with HUGE news!

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{love}Blogging {love}

It has been such an adventure. I still remember writing my very first post.

I really didn't know what the heck I was going to blog about. The only thing I knew was: I love decorating/rearranging, creating, inspiring. So, I just started snapping photos and typing. I'm so glad to have you all on this adventure with me....and what an adventure it has been! I have been through so many projects within the last year.

It all started with very first project on MommaHen'sCoop :

This is the project that gave me the furniture-makeover-fever! Everyone was so proud that I turned a piece of trash into a real treasure . After that, I couldn't stop and created so many more:

Grey dresser


Union Jack coffee table

upcycled pillow

Feed Sack chair

and many many many more!

So, why am I showing you all of my past projects?

I have some really super-de-duper-exciting news!!








While , this may not be all that exciting for most people, it's a really big deal for me and my family. Six years ago me and my husband layed eyes on each other and fell head over heals in love and knew that we would spend the rest of our lives together building a family together. A couple years later we were married and moved into his home together as a temporary fix . Temporary being the key word. It turned out to be more permanent than we thought and I was actually okay with that. I put A LOT (seriously, a lot) of work into this place and was really proud to show it off. After having our baby , however, this little starter home began to shrink, not day by day, but minute by minute.

There's something that most of you may not know. My "house" is actually a mobile home. Yes, I live in a trailer. It's something that I didn't bring up and even tried to disguise . Mobile homes seems to have a bad rap. But, the truth is, it's a roof over our head and we have made the best of out little 786sq . foot  home. No that wasn't a typo. Our home is only 786 sq. ft. I know, right?

Some great projects , before and afters, memories, and stories have come from this home.

It's now time to close this chapter of our life and move. I'm a little sad to leave . But, I'm so excited about the new space we are going to have and a huge improvement on space.

What does all this mean for you? LOTS and LOTS of new projects and some amazing before and afters!


  1. Wow- I am so excited for you and your family!!
    You have a right to be very, very proud of how you have made your house a home... because at the end of the day, it really doesn't matter where we live but that we are surrounded by the people and things we love.
    Your home is beautiful and I can't wait to see what you do with the new one!

  2. Congratulations! This is such exciting news! I can't wait to see more projects from you. Everything so far is wonderful :)

  3. I hear you on the stigma that goes with mobile homes. My grandfather owns a few mobile home parks. People may think it doesn't sound like much, but truth be told, he's a millionaire. I lived in a mobile home on 2 acres when I was little, before my parents built their home on the property. My brother still calls me a trailer park princess. :)

    SO exciting for you guys. I *never* would have known that you only lived in under 800 sq ft. You worked it well girl.

    Love all of your projects. Keep them coming and BE YOURSELF!

    ♥ Amber
    Silver Lining

  4. Wow, you make living in a mobile so cool. That is mind blowing. I just moved from a 900 square foot bungalow with two kids and a hubby. I know how important space is especially when you are without it. Just think, you are going to have tons to blog about. I can't wait to keep in with you and see what inspires you in your new home! Congratulations!

  5. Wow, that is such exciting news. I can't wait to see how you transform your next home. Keep the inspiration coming.

  6. that is AWESOME!! You are going to have SO much fun....congratulations!

  7. Awww, I lived in a trailer house just about my entire life! (I call them trailer houses because a friend of mine from Texas said it, and it just stuck). There is nothing wrong with living in a trailer, although I was always ashamed of growing up.

    We own a modular home that we can afford even if my husband would ever loose his job, of course people call it a "double wide" but I'm fine with that! I can tell you I love it a lot more then the 800sq ft apartment we used to live in with two kids, one we have 1800sq ft 3 bedrooms 2 full baths... sweet!

    I am so happy for you that your moving! Girl, the longest I've lived somewhere was 2 years and that is this house! My husband and I moved every year until we bought our home. There is nothing like moving somewhere new, it is so much fun.

  8. That's so exciting!! A move like that is VERY exciting!! And your mobile home is rocking! It looks better than most homes I see! I can't wait to see all your new before and afters! I love everything you do!! Congrats again!!

  9. Good luck with the move!!! We've lived in so many places since my husband and I have been together and they've all been temporary. Right now we're living with my brother and I CAN'T WAIT until we can move into our first home. You make your place look so beautiful, can't wait to see what you do in your new home!


  10. Congratulations! I can feel your energy and excitement! Everyone starts somewhere & you did a fabulous job of making it your home. When my husband lost his job a couple of years ago, I thought of selling the house, and downsizing - starting over - and buying a trailer. We are still plugging away in the house though, while he is in college again, but it is always a good backup plan. Hey - I just thought of something, you could have called your blog "Trailer Trash"....sorry. Please forgive my bad joke. (I was referring to the fact you turn trashed furniture finds into something fabulous) Anywho, I am very happy for you and your family.

  11. congrats on the move, we have moved like 5 times, yes, I know, we like to redo houses and then live there a bit and then move, now many we have not lived in, wishing I could live in the old ones since I love old houses but 6 years ago we built a new home and have been here the longest, honestly would have already sold this house, tired of being house poor but love the property and plus my father in law owns all the land around us so if we sold, well he would lose a big chunk in the middle of his property, LOL!

  12. yeah, well kinda yeah. You've done an amazing job with your place and I can't wait to see what you do with your new home.
    I've lived in a trailer too, no shame. You make any place you are a home, the building doesn't matter.

    Now start collecting boxes to pack! :)

  13. Very exciting news for you! I agree with Theresa in the last comment. Our home is our home. You have done a beautiful job decorating :).If people don't think my home is good enough, well then I don't want them around me anyway! Good luck with the move. I can't wait to see the new place.

  14. Congrats on your move! You have done some beautiful projects and I look forward to seeing what your new projects are. New follower from Wandering Wednesday.

  15. Wow, you have some great projects there! Looking forward to seeing more after your move! New follower from Wandering Wednesday...visit my page if you get a chance!

  16. WOW! is all I can say. The home that you have made for your family is amazing! I thought for sure you were living in some huge house somewhere and I was completely jealous! I can't wait to see what you do with your new place. You are an amazingly talented woman....

  17. Good luck on the move. I also need a bigger house, but that is just not in the cards right now. I will be sad when we go since there are so many memories here. Found you from the hop, hope you'll stop by my blog.


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