Feb 7, 2011

"Copy Me Challenge" Part dos

Another of my favorite blogs is Funky Junk Interiors. We may be long lost {junkin'} souls and I never even realized.

I almost died laughing when Marion (Miss Mustard Seed) spoofed FJI and she said (paraphrasing here) ," What? wha? They are throwing out what? " she then runs over and grabs all sorts of things out of the neighbors dumpster.{see what I mean, here}

I laughed so hard I almost cried. Or did I almost cry because I came to the realization that I , too, am the same way? If any of my family members, friends, co-workers are throwing anything (I mean anything) out; they know to call me first! I find uses for just about anything!

As I glanced around my home this morning ; I realized I am more like FJI than I thought! Here's how I put my junk to use :

I could go on and on about my use for jars. Oh wait, I already did : HERE

I love to see the look on my husband face when I get excited about finding an old rusty potato digger thingy (yeah, I'm southern and I even have my own garden...I just don't know what these things are actually called!)

or a rusty crusty piece of a weather vein ...it's love at first sight. (you know what I mean Donna, right?!)

My heart skips a beat when I find old ladders. But, you want to know something funny? This ladder is actually the monkey bars from when we took down my sons outdoor play yard. Now that is using your junkin' knoggin'!

and who doesn't decorate with pots , pans , and potties in their kitchen?!

Oh, not everyone? No one? ooops.

Not to mention the old fence piece that almost got away! I had my hubby jump into the creek and rescue the beautie from floating down the stream! Uhg, the thought of someone letting this get away :/

There is an unexpected timeless beauty that comes with "junk" that I just can't explain.

{{Photo credits : Oh*Snap! photography by Mommahen}}

So, turns out me and Donna from Funky Junk Interiors could totally be like junkin' sisters! Who knew?!

I did create some thing special just for this occassion. I wanted to really amp up my chances of winning. I just know she is going to love this Funky Junk make-over !

I turned my dresser/storage/TV cabinet from this :

into this :

Donna, Do you love crates as much as I do? Maybe not. I use them EVERYWHERE. They are perfect storage and who can resist the raw wood, chippy paint of all sorts of fab colors, metal brackets binding the edges, and the typography alone....aaahhh...perfection.

I even use them in the kids' rooms to store books!

(I probably should have organized these better before I snapped a picture..oh well)

so, in conclusion. I bow to thee, Funky Junk Interiors. I am a HUGE fan! I hope that my "junky" home has lived up to your expectations!

Do you have the same style? Then you DO NOT want to miss out on my '100 FOLLOWER GIVEAWAY' I will be giving away some FABULOUS "junk" just be sure to go HERE and follow the rules!

Copy Me Challenge

Keeping It Simple


  1. Love your stuff/junk! I decorate with red and white enamelware....and love to find new uses for old stuff ;)
    I wanted to read your uses for your jars, but I couldn't get the link to work :(

  2. hhhmm... try this link : http://mommahenscoop.com/?p=131 hopefully that works!

  3. Donna is going to be proud! You did good...I love all the elements you incorporated. I see you are new to blogging. I am having a newbie party as we speak. Come join in the fun...you will be sure to make some new friends.

  4. You have the most incredible blog!! And I myself am obsessed with "junk" any form or fashion of it, my fiance thinks I will become a hoarder ;) Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and amazing reads and inspiratation! By far my favorite site to visit daily!

  5. wow, these are amazing! Love the old crates in the dresser. The Copy Me Challenge was so fun :) Love both their styles! Thanks for linking up!

  6. LOL!! Oh my gosh, I was busting up laughing at your cracks through your whole post! The pots in the kitchen thing... LOL!! You rock.

    And yeah... you totally nailed me on the crates! Love me some old wood and typography for certain. And that they're working hard for their keep is a DINGDINGDING in my book.

    Nicely done! :)


  7. I will forever cherish this post! Thank you Donna {aka Funky junk interiors}!!!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!