Feb 25, 2011

friendship,product review, and another giveaway!

As the blogging adventure began , I never really thought about  forming friendships.


I figured I would write and you would respond. It's really not the case. After visiting the same blogs over and over and writing back and forth with the same people. I have finally found people who are just like me. People with the same passions, problems, and everyday lives as me and have created bonds with people from 100's of miles away. One of those people is Brooke from 20 Something.

Honestly, I can't remember how we started talking . But Brooke was someone that came over and left me the sweetest comments and she came back regularly and gave me such confidence in the best of times.  She was also the winner of my '100 Follower Giveaway'  I was so excited to see that Random.org chose her !

In return I stalk her blog pretty regularly as well. Don't tell her though {grin}

Here is 20 Something's Welcome :

Hello! I
live in the piney woods of East Texas and could not love life more! I'm a
happy wife with a happy life! I'm a little bit country, a little bit
rock n' roll, and a little retro... Look around for some great recipes,
crafts and home remodel projects! Thanks for stoping by! If you have any
questions at all feel free to e-mail me at 20SomethingDesigns@Gmail.com

20 Something is packed full of really great DIY projects:

Welcome Door


Picture frame

according to CountryLiving magazine:

chicken wire is the new chic decor!

I couldn't agree more!

20 Something's pillow tutorial

Look familiar? She was the inspiration behind my Mr & Mrs Pillows.

If you are a DIY gal , you have to check out her blog. Even if you are not, you will still enjoy her fun filled posts.

So, when I received an E-mail asking if I would do a product review ; I immediately jumped at the opportunity! Of course I would!

Brooke informed me she that she is starting a sign business called "Sign me Up"

Very catchy name, why didn't I think of that?!

Wait, what? I got two packages! One of which wasn't a sign. It was a cutie pitutie picture frame with one of her great rosettes!

I kept opening to reveal my sign...

First, let me admit a little something: I'm not a big fan of hand painted signs. (Maybe I should have mentioned that before I offered to do a review on one...)

I feel like people don't put a lot of effort into making them . I see all too often people haphazardly painting on in any ol' fashion a name, sand it, and sell it.

This isn't the case.

{I saw you Brooke, squirming in your chair thinking I was going to say some thing awful!}

I opened my package and realized, She's " got it "

See for yourself:

This sign was so thoughtfully presented, to start off. Then the craftsmanship in the sign , adding just the right amount of age, and the quality of the paints/sealers to ensure a long lasting finish were just the perfect amount of precise .

I don't want you to think I am being biased here.

I prepared myself to be 100%  brutally honest . But, let me tell you, I  was so relieved when I actually opened the package to reveal a good quality piece of art.

It was evident that she cares about what she's doing.

Thank you Brooke for the opportunity. I will be a lifetime customer!

Are you interested in purchasing a customized sign?

"Sign me Up" offers different sizes/fonts/colors/styles. I was informed she's still working out all the kinks and I will be able to do provide you with an update of all the details at a later date. But, until then, she is accepting orders.

First, stop over and check her out at 20 Something.

Then , send her an e-mail (20somethingdesigns@gmail.com) letting her know what you would be interested in!


Did you love this picture as much as I did? Guess what?! I can be yours!! We are going to hold a giveaway right here!

To be eligible to win the above picture you must follow these rules:

  • subscribe to MommaHenscoop

  • Follow 20 Something Designs

  • Leave a comment on this post telling me what you think about "Sign me Up" signs/20Something and let me know that you followed the first two steps!

  • Edited to add: Sorry about the confusion. To clarify only one comment is required to be entered! Just be sure to let me know you subscribed to both me and 20Something and leave a little note saying what you thought about 20Something's "Sign me Up" sign.

For a bonus entry :

LIKE MommaHen on FB

LIKE 20Something on FB



If you are interested in having me , MommaHen , do a product review/host a giveaway please let me know by sending me an E-mail {mommahenscoop@hotmail.com}


  1. I love all of your ideas and designs! I wish I had half of the talent you do!!

  2. I am following you on facebook!!

  3. Of course I'm a follower here and on Facebook as well as a new follower on 20 Something Designs - which is a great blog as well! I so love getting in on the ground floor of blogs - that way I don't miss so much good stuff and have to back track!!! I can say ".....I remember when she just started and is still as fresh as that day...." because I know that is how MommaHen will be as well as 20 Something Designs!!! Thanks so much!!

  4. I also follow you on Facebook...that's what brought me here today!

    Deborah in NC

  5. I like 20Something on Facebook!

    Deborah in NC

  6. I follow you both and have for a while. Some of my favorite blogs.

  7. Great I am so excited! I hope I win!

    Already Follow Momma Hen on FB
    I now "LIKE" 2o Something Designs on FB

    Subscribe to MommaHen
    Follow 20 Something Designs

    I love signs...I love when someone really takes the time on something. So nice..

  8. I "liked" you both on FB & subscribed to both your blogs.....I'm so glad to have found you both!!

  9. You're just biased Nana! Hehe!

  10. I'm a follower of your blog and I went to visit your friend. Wow, she is sooooo cool. Love that license plate on a wreath. Really clever.

    I'd love to be entered. This is a great sign.

    I've bookmarked her site for someday after I've paid off Uncle Sam! He is really screwing around with my retail fun at the moment...sigh....

    Thanks for the fun chance.

  11. Sign me up! :)

    I am already subscribed to your blog, and I like you on FB. I just subscribed to 20 something and liked her on FB.

    Also, I MIGHT be moving sooner than I thought, so if you still have that couch in a month or so I am interested!

  12. I joined 20something and of course I was already a member of Momma Hens Coop. Love both sites. Thanks for sharing with us.


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!