Jan 1, 2011

beginning or end?

What a great year, huh?
So many things have changed, I can't even begin to list them. 
This time last year
  I had this energy hogger, sucker of every ounce of creativity, creature living inside of  me 
I was prego.
 Along with a 6 year old sweet and innocent boy.
This year I have a (in 6 days)  1 year old growing like a weed,energetic,smart baby boy ; A 7 year old TOTAL BOY who likes girls {ggrrrr} , looks and talks like he's 17 who has developed  beyond belief and straight from his mouth,"Not a kid anymore." 
Are ya kiddin' me?!
Let's not get started on that.......

2010 was the beginning of MommaHen. My very first post April 22, 2010 .

I never knew I could be of inspiration until a friend of ours told me numerous times how I inspired her to actually decorate and create things of her own. I didn't realize there were people out there that didn't know you could actually design a room aside from going to Wal-mart and buying everything out of the prepackaged and designed "outhouse bathroom collection" or the "Apple kitchen collection" 
I've told you before how I grew up with an amazingly creative mother who did what she wanted,colored outside the lines. She taught me to do what I love, because I love it. I want to show people they CAN create a home that they love, they can paint a wall with no fear, take a junky piece of furniture and turn it into an original , one of a kind perfect piece for their home. This is why I started MommaHen. If I can inspire one person , I've done my job! All the sweet , motivating comments on all my work doesn't hurt either.
One thing I didn't know when starting this blogging adventure: Is how much all of YOU inspire me! Creativity keeps me sane . You guys keep me going!

My most popular post of the year:

#1 My sofa overhaul. It's funny that this one was so popular. The only reason I did this project: I'm broke and wanted a cute little slip covered sofa like the ones I see at PotteryBarn. I'm so glad you guys liked it!

#2 Changing table gift. This was a fun project because it was a gift for a friend. she really enjoys it and that makes me super happy! 

#3 Branches and bird dresser. This was also for the same friend. She already owned this piece and had me paint it. I love how it turned out.

#4 PotteryBarn canvas painting knockoff. No cost knockoff...what more could ya ask for?

Thank you to all of my new blogger friends for all your support. I hope to bring LOTs more this year. Clawfoot tub,cabinetry,bead board,lots of white, and seaside goodness are waiting to be a part of my big 2011 bathroom overhaul!

I am putting together a '100 Follower Giveaway' be sure to keep coming back for more information on that and go over and 'LIKE' my new  FBfan page!


The Lettered Cottage

flaunt the best of 2010 with Savy Southern Style
Southern Hospitality


  1. l.o.v.e. the dresser with the tree and birds...it's just too darn cute! Wishing you a happy and wonderful New Year!

  2. More great projects. Love the dresser and the chest with the birds on it. Great slipcover. I wish I could make one. It sounds like you are getting my dream bathroom. I would love a clawfoot tub and beadboard.

  3. Here is to coloring outside the lines! You inspire me. :)

  4. Isn't blogging the best ;) Enjoyed your recap and found you via Southern Hospitatlities link party. I've been blogging for three years and this is the first re-cap post that I've completed and it really makes you appreciate all that you accomplish in a year. Best wishes for the New Year. Fondly, Roberta

  5. Just found you today, but I'm going to go back and click every one of those links. :) Looks like you have more talent in your pinky finger than I do in my whole body. Happy new year!

  6. You tackled some great projects over the year! I love your slipcover with it's short skirt! The gray chest with the birds is adorable too!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!