Dec 29, 2010

wait no longer

See something you love? But, can't afford it?

Recreate it!

After all, there is no such thing as an original idea. Is there?

Who doesn't love ANYTHING Pottery Barn? However, if you are like me: you can't afford it.

{This is where the teaser photo comes in play}

There is one thing in this photo that I have the supplies to recreate: for free!

Isn't it great? I'm not sure of the price. It is a discontinued item. I found it on google images{my favorite place for inspiration}

What you need for this project:

canvas {any size}
paint : black, white, brown

I found a beautiful frame at Goodwill for a couple bucks. I put the frame in my booth. I was left with a picture on canvas.

I'll admit, I felt ReeeAlly bad about painting over [Beckies 1979] painting. But, what was I supposed to do with it? I may as well use it for something!

Onward we go....

Step one:

Paint your chosen canvas black. I used two coats of craft paint.

Step Two:

Now, I suppose there are numerous {no pun intended} ways to do this step. I'll show you how I did it.

Using Picnik {my favorite editing program} and made a little Mock up by creating a black square and typing in numbers.

Play around with it a bit by turning some numbers sideways, making some small and some large. Thereare so many options! Here is mine:

Step Three: With a pencil and your mock up canvas (above) free hand your design.

I found that if you use the eraser to draw {I know it sounds crazy} It shows up great on the canvas and if you make a mess, wipe it off and try again.

Step Four:

Using your paint brush: paint over your traces areas with white paint. I found you really don't have to worry about being precise. The next couple of step will cover a lot of the imperfections.

Step Five:

After giving the piece plenty of time to dry use a piece of sand paper to go over the entire canvas. You decide how "weathered" you want the piece to appear. I recommend going over the edges of each number. This will really cover up any "shaky hand evidence."

Step Six:

Use your brown antiquing glaze to go over edges and random parts to create an aged appearance. You can achieve the same effect with some watered down brown paint . Just use a rag to dab off the excess. Be sure to look back and forth at the inspiration photo if you are unsure where to to add age.

Here we are with the finished piece! This was a really easy project. It literally took more time to set up the after photo than it did to finish the entire piece.  Not to mention, I was able to achieve the same look as the Pottery Barn piece for NO COST!

This one is going to go in my booth . In the future, I was to make a much larger one to use in my home.

What do you think? Are you going to try to recreate this for your home?

Until then be sure to check out these linkies that I am attending!

Freckled laundry linky party Metamorphosis Monday at:

Boogieboard CottageHOG
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="HOG" src="" /></a></center>

PhotobucketBeyond The Picket FenceThe Lettered Cottage


  1. Great job!

    Susan and Bentley

  2. you did a wonderful job with that knockoff- better than the original! and it is an original!
    i also wanted to thank you for your nice comments at csi the other day. :) it wasw so nice to have so many of you stick up for me and say nice things! :)

  3. Oh how nice! I have a canvas right now in a 'donate' box - it's time to pull it out. I appreciate your inspiration. :)

  4. Love this knock-off!! You did a wonderful job on it! I'm saving your tutorial for my next project! :) Did you use just regular interior paint on the canvas or crafter's acrylic?

    xoxo laurie

  5. for this particular post I just used craft paint. I didn't figure burlap could be washed anyway so I wasn't worried about a special paint. I think it worked very well for this project.

  6. What a great idea and what an awesome job you did. Great Blog!!

  7. You have so many wonderful ideas here! Thanks for stopping by, so glad to have found your blog :)

  8. Fab! Thanks for sharing this tutorial!

  9. I love this... just came across your website and I am totally addicted :)

  10. This looks so great. Just as cute as the original. Great job!

    Warmly, Michelle

  11. Thanks so much for the tutorial, you piece turned out great....I might even try one for my place.

  12. great project, we just added a sign cutter to our shop for plate numbers, jar numbers and such, how about canvas, paint them black, distress the black,cut the numbers out in vinyl and adhere, another great idea I love


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!