Dec 14, 2010

time to make some lemonade

Life has been handing me lots of lemons lately. 
 nothing I can't handle, of course.
One of these lemons, is my camera. 

{Dear Santa, 
Please bring Mommahen a brand new camera (fyi-it wouldn't hurt if it were a top of the line Nikon.) I will be forever greatful.
thank you, Momma.}

For now {until I can get my camera working or if Santa decides to answer my letter} I am going to revisit one of my very first projects I shared here at Mommahen's coop. This Coastal inspired coffee table re-do. I guess you can say this was the beginning for

You can read the little "How-to" HERE. Although, I must warn you;I'm horrible at tutorials. I think the pictures speak for themselves, thank goodness.

I started off with the above piece. This is how it looked when I bought it. I'm wanting to say [ the lady that I bought it from] told me it was used in her husbands garage. Hence the horrible looking top.
But, with confidence, I brought her home{the table, not the lady.}

This piece SCREAMS 90's country decor. 


note: I did this and lot of other "re-dos" right smack dab in the middle of my living room floor. So, don't let lack of work area stop you from updating your pieces of furniture. Just be sure to open a window and get some ventilation.

Gotta love texture. To most of my pieces, I add some authenticity (a.k.a  beat some age into a piece with a hammer !)

Not sure what happened to my next step pictures went....

Next step:
 paint it white! I love this part. {i heart white}

Once again, add some age by sanding down the corners and anywhere something would naturally rub and remove paint.

I also love to contrast the top from the piece itself. I achieved this by staining the top with an aged oak. For extra easy
peasi-ness, you are able to buy stain and polyurethane in one. One step and done!

For extra credit ; I amped up the inside. I wanted to add a little "unexpected" using music sheet paper.

This piece is for Sale at
"A Ghost in the Attic" Porstmouth,OH
E-mail me for further details.

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