Dec 17, 2010

per your request (sort of)

The following image may not be appropriate for all ages. You may want to ask others who are easily disgusted to leave the room now.

Okay, now let me tell you:

first, It's not as bad as it looks.

Second, I knew I wanted a large camel back sofa.

Third, This couch was only $20!

The sofa originally was all scratched up on the back...They had a little yippie dog that liked to sit on the back .
too small to jump; he climbed.
Nice, huh?

I removed all the damaged fabric  . Then, realizing I didn't have a before picture.
This is why it looked so badly.

I replaced the ratty looking torn fabric  with some fresh clean fabric to hold all the stuffing in place.
Doing this , I [very] simply tacked the fabric  along the back and stuffed the bottom portion down underneath the foam. It wasn't going to be seen , so I didn't worry about how it looked.
However, that said, If it were a piece I was going to sell; I would do a much more professional job.
But, it wasn't. So, I didn't.

Now, I have had so many of you wanting to know HOW I made my slip cover.
I am the type of person that gets something in my mind and just jumps in and does it. With out thinking.

I'm not going to give a tutorial because it would be horrible and uninteresting.

BUT! I will send you to {slipcover heaven}
This woman, if you haven't heard of her yet, is genius.
Her slip covers are amazing .
Conveniently, she has a how-to guide to get you through your slip covering endeavour.
(which, I highly recommend-don't take me for an example and do it on your own)


(by Pink and Polka Dot)


Stop reading
(be sure to come back!I haven't revealed my after for goodness sake.)
and go take a look at her blog!

Great, huh?

She was the inspiration behind wanting to jump (head first) into the world of slip covering.

do you have a hideous piece of furniture
(like mine. Famously named "drug behind a truck")

Cover it up! I promise, when you do, you will not be disappointed.
Although, time consuming, it will be worth it in the end.

Then....You'll turn this:

into THIS:


To read the original post go: HERE 

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Wow. wow. wow. this is so so awesome! You really made this gorgeous. I'll be reading up to try myself. Great job. love the pleats
    Merry Christmas
    Becky C

  2. Oh yeah! Really amazing transformation!!! I wish I can slipcover or even learn how to sew. You did a heck of a job with that $20 sofa.


  3. Absolutely GORGEOUS! You did an awesome job!! Seriously! I am taking an upholstery class and I asked my instructor what was more difficult, upholstering or slip covering...he said slipcovering! Look at you go!!

    I am envious of your talents!

    Lou Cinda

  4. Oh my. Be still my heart. It's a thing of beauty! Lady, you ooze talent!

  5. It looks FANTASTIC! Would that ebook be helpful to those of us who stink at sewing?

  6. What a wonderful job - such a fantastic new lease on life for your lounge. Wonderful!! Sonia :)

  7. THIS does scare people but not you and me! I saw the vision you had even before I saw your final result. Fantastic job and it looks so great with the coffee table. Thanks for sharing, Terry

  8. Hello! I found you at Cottage Instincts and I am loving your blog! I wanted to invite you to enter my $50 American Express giveaway and my link party that are both going on this week! Keep up the great blogging and happy holidays! -Dana

  9. You did a great job! I've always wanted to learn to make slipcovers, but have been too scared to try. Yours turned out beautifully fact your whole room is very nice!

  10. Way to go! I've made a few slipcovers and know how much work it is and the thrill when it is completed too. That is one amazing makeover! Enjoy. Your room is lovely too.

  11. It looks wonderful! You were a brave women for taking that piece on. Good for you. :)

  12. Wow! Gorgeous! You may have just inspired me to try this (I've been so sceeeered!)

  13. Amazing! You are pushing me much closer to trying this myself. Thank you for sharing your beautiful slipcover today!


  14. Wow! After seeing this couch cover I really need to get busy and make one for my loveseat.


  15. Ahhhmazing transformation! Really great job! Great to find you! Cute blog!


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!