Nov 15, 2010

nervous rambling and iheartfaces

I don't know why....
but, I get so nervous!

ALTHOUGH! I am really RE-HE-EALLY excited.

Wanna know why?

{BIG deep breath in}

Well, you all know I luuuv anything and everything creative. A list of my favorite things:

Being with my family
Staying at home with my kids
Creating a beautiful home {on a budget}
Helping other create a beautiful home {on a budget}
Shopping for antiques,junk,vintage items and finding the most amazing piece on the super cheap(or even FREE)
Painting custom pieces of furniture... get the idea...

Okay, so I got this great opportunity to do all of the above AND make money while doing it!

I just so happened to be in the right place at the right time and got a booth at  a very reputable antique/vintage shop close to home! The rent is cheap , I get to work there once a week, and the people are sooo sweet and nice!


.........More on that later.....


In other exciting news: I got the opportunity to hold my very first photo shoot. You all have heard a lot about my prego friend (that I made THIS dresser for and did a custom paint job on THIS dresser)
Well, Here She is !
You get to "meet" my friend, Sarah , and her husband , Greg.
Let me remind you, she's due January 8th with a little baby girl. She wanted to get some prego pictures JUST In case this little one got antsy and decided to come early. We have had AMAZING weather here all week. Perfect chance to snap some great shots. They are both so photogenic so this shoot was a blast.
Even though, I was so nervous !!

no seriously, I was so nervous! I could barely put together logical sentences.
Luckely , they put up with me.

{{Big deep breath out}}

 I'll leave you with a few of my favorites. While I go prepare to fill up my booth!


I'm participating in:

iheartfaces : Silhouette


  1. So exciting! That booth will be so fun!

    Your friend looks fantastic! Beautiful photos.

  2. You did a great job! I'm very happy for you. Congratulations :-)

  3. Suhweet prego pics! What memories for the soon to be new mommy and daddy.


  4. Very sweet! So this is who has MY dresser/buffet! ; ) I wish this much happiness and know that they will just love that baby. I'll tell you, I am the grandma {for the first time this year} and I am just in love with this little gem. It makes me think back to when mine were that little and how I loved being home with them.

  5. Congratulations on the new booth! That is very exciting news.
    Thanks for the sweet comment today, I bought the rug from pottery barn a couple years ago. It's not what I had planned on but now I love it.

  6. Beautiful shoot! I love the lines in the photo with the ultrasounds...pretty...This is only your first shoot?? :)

  7. beautiful pics!! and yes I'm back:) I tried to follow you but for some reason its not working...most likely my problem not yours:) but i'll be back:)

  8. Congrats on the booth, you will LOVE it~ hard work but so much fun if you can't get enough of the creative thing. You will be in there rearranging and fluffing it constantly, LOL!!
    Your photos are GORGEOUS! Love the time of day lighting!! Nice work.

  9. CONGRATULATIONS (i am so jealous) the pictures turned out wonderful you should be proud of yourself


I read all of your comments and love hearing from you!