Nov 30, 2010

dropping like flies

Are you feeling abandoned yet? I lost 3 followers yesterday.

{sad face}

I've been super busy finishing up all my furniture projects before this Thursday (when I move into my booth)

Before you guys give up on me I will show you a quickie before and after .

I got ahead of myself and forgot to take a "before" picture. After scouring craigslist for a similar table and chairs, Score! I found one.

Except the table I purchased was in horrible condition (unlike the one above). The story was(in short): Husband and Wife got a divorce, Husband kicks wife out of the house, husband soon finds out that the wife gets the house, husband destroys everything in the house before wife returns.


Stinks for the husband and wife situation, good for me! I got the table and four chairs for fifteen bucks!
It was pretty banged up . So, I just sanded down all the stain and started from scratch and ended up with this:

{{PRICE TAG" $150}} SOLD

ignore all the mess ...this is in my husbands garage. He gave up his "man territory" so I could have a space to finish up all my furniture. He has even been staying home and watching the kids.

{Isn't that sweet?}

I suppose this is more of a "middle" picture. I ended up staining the top an aged chestnut . It turned out great! I'll have an actual "after" for you later.

Hang in there, I have some more great "afters" coming tomorrow!


  1. This looks awesome!!! And for $15?? Lucky you!!!

    Can't wait to see more "afters"!

    Lou Cinda

  2. I enjoy your before and afters and envy the fact that you actually follow through with projects... Not me, although I have good intentions of doing so.

    Sorry people left you yesterday. How rude!


  3. Great looking table! Don't feel bad, I lose followers even when I post frequently. If it's more than a couple in a few days, I go back to my last post to make sure I didn't curse or something that offended people! : ) I have to say I stop following my share as well, sometimes blogs change and that's not what I followed them for originally, but then I add new ones, so I guess it evens out {for me, anyway}.

  4. WOW!!! you just gave me inspiration to re-do my table!!! :)

  5. It turned out great!

    p.s. I'll never stop following you :)

  6. Looks great u did a hoops job-what a great price


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